Breaking News
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Info Post
Lucien Freud's "Woman with Eyes Closed"
Journalist Niels Rigter of in The Netherlands pointed to the press conference on today's art heist in which seven paintings were stolen from the Kunsthal Museum in Rotterdam.

Mr. Rigter forwarded to the ARCA blog the link to the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Police's website and the two press releases on this art theft:
Police show pictures of stolen Kunsthal paintings
Police investigating burglary at the Kunsthal

Here on museum officials announce that the Kunsthal will reopen on Wednesday, that no security guards were on site at night, and that the paintings were insured.

 Henri Mattise's La Liseuse en Blanc et Jaune
 painting before theft.  Photo credit Reuters

Two hooks on the wall mark the place where
 the stolen Henri Mattise's La Liseuse en Blanc
 et Jaune 
painting was hanging.
Photo credit Reuters


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